Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I didn’t feel very good today – my stomach was hurting. I am just so ready to get all this over with and go home. I miss my friends and my family a lot. Tomorrow should be pretty fun though because all the doctors and nurses get dressed up for Halloween and all the kids can trick or treat. I probably will but I already have enough candy for 3 Halloweens!!

Note from Bree’s Parents:

Brianna’s appointments moved along very quickly today. When it was time for her radiation treatment she started to feel a little bit nauseated….we don’t believe it was from any medication or treatment, rather her anxiety or nerves about being homesick. She is really doing her best to be strong and we can be so proud of how she is determined to “just get it over with”! She did perk up a little bit and we went back to the Ronald McDonald House to relax. We decided to wait until after dinner to tell her she has another 2 hour MRI tomorrow morning and will have to be sedated again. It should be an interesting night and early morning because the steroid medication gives her a ravenous appetite and she has been having a few snacks throughout the evening hours to get her through…we just hope that they get her in to her sedation appointment asap so she can be in her best spirit, ‘get it over with’. I am sure she will be looking forward to a big lunch after she recovers.

We hear that St. Jude puts on an unbelievable Halloween Party all throughout the hospital. Every wing has its own theme, doctors/nurses/patients/etc. all get dressed up and kids can trick or treat all afternoon. (Not that Bree needs anymore candy…according to her we have enough for 3 Halloweens!)

Thank you again for all of your prayers and support as we appreciate it more than you’ll ever know!

Love to all,

Bree’s Parents

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Early in the week of October 27, 2008

My days are so boring – I have chemo from 8:30 to 9:00 every day, then doctor appointments and then radiation in the afternoon. This week has been a little easier because I didn’t have very many appointments. Halloween is this week too and we got to do some cool stuff. Tuesday we went to a Halloween party at the Target House and Wednesday we went to another one at St. Jude. They were fun. I decorated the door to my room with all the cards and stuff from everybody. It’s pretty cool. Most of the time I either just like to hang out and listen to my iPOD that Grandpa and Grandma Sharp gave me or paint. I am painting a picture right now that I am going to hang in my bedroom when I get home. That’s pretty much all that is going on right now. Thank you for all the cards, letters and signs – they really make me smile. Happy Halloween!

Note from Bree’s parents:

The past couple of days have been easier on Bree due to the decrease of Dr. appointments. It’s been a nice change of pace.

The Halloween party on Tuesday evening at the Target House was nice. It’s a very nice facility where longer term patients live with their families. The Ronald McDonald House is closer to St. Jude’s than the Target House. While there we met some other families and had a nice meal. We attended the Halloween party on the St. Jude campus after Bree’s physical therapy and radiation treatment on Wednesday.

The cards, letters and signs that you all have sent, Bree now has plastered on her door. She loves them all and they make her feel so much better to see them. She can’t believe how many people care about her. So thank you for making our little girl smile.

Thanks to all for checking in! Happy Halloween!


Bree’s parents

Monday, October 27, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Memphis Zoo was so much fun with my grandparents, dad and mom. Mom was feeling a little better and got to go with us. My favorites are the giraffes and the panda bears. I have pictures of the giraffes on my website – they’re on the "My Friends and Family” page. It was a long day and I was really tired when we got back so I took a nap. The radiation treatments make me really tired these days. Before I laid down though I had to have some of the pistachio jello that me and mom made the other day. I love it! Today was a good day!

Note from Bree’s parents:

As Brianna said “today was a good day” and a great way for her to get her mind off of all the other stuff. As parents of a child that is experiencing this…We just wanted to tell all of you how absolutely uplifting it is to see how much support that you all are giving. Thank you. Words cannot express how grateful we are.

Love to all,

Bree’s parents

Friday, October 24, 2008

I am so glad it’s Friday and this week is over! I had radiation today at 3:00 but mom couldn’t make it this time. She’s sick but she kept in touch with me and dad by texting us. My grandpa and grandma Sharp came down here to see me and brought me a brand new iPOD – it’s so cool! We went and had bbq for dinner at Rendezvous and it was really good. Don’t worry Aunt Jackie yours is still #1 in my book! :-) Tomorrow grandpa and grandma are taking me to the Memphis Zoo. I can’t wait to go and it’ll be nice to be outside for a while too.

Note from Bree’s parents:

Bree’s been such a trooper this week with her Chemo and Radiation treatments. It’s good that the weekend is here so that Brianna can get some rest and have a little fun to get her mind off of things—even if just for a little bit. She misses all of you and wants us to pass on that she is really, really thankful to have all of you thinking of her. Your prayers are being felt all the way down here!

Love to all,

Bree’s parents

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Night 8

Today was my first treatment and boy am I glad that's over! The medicine tastes horrible and it doesn't feel good going down my throat so tomorrow Mom said I can try it with milk to see if that helps any. I got to do some exercises and then I had lunch. More brisket and I got my dad to try some and he said it was great! After that they took a bunch of blood for test and then in the afternoon I got my first radiation. It was REAL boring. A lot of people sent me stuff to do so I won't be so bored and pretty soon my room will be full. Thank you everybody for helping me out. Now that I have some fun things to do maybe the time will go by faster. My mom and dad said that maybe pretty soon when I'm not so tired I can go to the mall. I'm tired now so that's all.

Note from Bree's Parents:
We finally got through the first day of treatment. The chemo (Vandetenib) was in liquid form so Bree drank it like a trooper, even though it tasted horrible. Radiation (at 2:30) lasted only 20 minutes. Tomorrow, Jennifer and I will get to go back and watch the second treatment at about 1:30 and it's supposed to be a less busy day for Bree so that will be good.

We actually have some pretty exciting news to report. A representative of the US Olympic Committee sent us word that they are having many of the athletes from this past Olympics and the upcoming 2012 Olympics autograph an Olympic flag for Bree. Many of you will remember Christine Magnuson from this summer. She won 2 silver medals in swimming and is planning to visit Bree here at St. Jude! The athletes love helping out in any way they can and it helps keep the kids focused on getting well. We really appreciate what everyone is doing to help. A lot of people have asked what else Bree might want to help her get through the treatment and the down time. We are hoping that when she regains her strength, we will be able to make a trip to the local mall, so a gift card might be nice. As always, thank you all for your prayers and generosity. We are really overwhelmed by the love and support for our Brianna!
Take care, all of you, and God Bless!
Bree's Parents and Brianna

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 8, October 21, 2008

Well here I am again. Tomorrow they are supposed to start my treatments. All I know is I just want to hurry up. The doctors told us all the stuff they are going to do. They said they are going to use a special drug on me that is pretty new. They call it a clinical trial. It's supposed to keep the tumor from growing. I'm going to have radiation too. It's only for 15 minutes a day so I guess that's not so much. Tomorrow they are going to do a bunch of blood tests and so that port thing will make it easier. That's good! I don't really have much to write about now.

Note from Bree's Parents:
During the meetings with the doctors, we reviewed the treatment plan, going over every step. Bree is going to participate in a clinical trial of a drug called Vandetenib which is a chemo agent that works to block the cell receptors that tell the cells in a tumor to divide and multiply. It is also meant to work to contrict the blood vessel growth within the tumor so that blood cannot aid in the growth of the tumor. She will undergo 6 weeks of radiation treatments, starting tomorrow at 2:30 CST. She will also have numerous blood draws as well and that is why we chose to have the port placement done.

Tomorrow will be a long but good day for Brianna! Thanks to all who have been praying for her and continue to pray for her.
Love to all!
Bree's Parents and Brianna

Day 7 - October 20, 2008 at Night

My dad said that people might like to know more about what I'm doing. Sometimes it's pretty boring cause I'm not at school or with my friends. But some stuff is great. Like the food. Since I came to Memphis I got to try BBQ spaghetti and jambalaya and they are great! I also like BBQ ribs and they are the BEST in Memphis. After they put in that port thing I was supposed to eat boring stuff, but I was so hungry I ate BBQ beef, mac & cheese, bread and banana pudding! I also found out that Elvis used to like one of my favorites - Peanut butter and banana sandwich!
Well, goodnight.

Day 7 - Monday, October 20, 2008

This morning I had to get up real early so they could put in a thing called a port. It's so it's easier to give me medicine and stuff. It's kind of like a little tube so they don't have to always find a spot in my arm. It's better cause it doesn't hurt as much. Mom got me there at 6:30 and then they told us they weren't ready for us! I just sat around with Mom and watched cartoons while we waited. It seemed like we waited forever, but it was really just over one hour. Putting the port in didn't take long. I have a couple of appointments today and then we're going back to my room to chill. I got a big surprise when we got there because there were some presents waiting for me that people had mailed in. That was really great cause I am really bored most of the time just waiting for stuff to happen. I really want to say a BIG Thank You to everybody that sent presents!

Note from Bree's dad: I will be traveling back tonight and will arrive in Memphis at 8am tomorrow. Thanks for checking in on our Brianna and thank you again for all your love and support!
Love to all,
Bree's Parents

Friday, October 17, 2008

Day 3 - Thursday, October 16, 2008

Great news! The tests for her eligibility to participate in the trial came back just fine and she will be able to start treatments next week. On Monday morning she will have minor surgery to have a port put in and starting Wednesday of next week she will have her first Radiation and Chemotherapy treatment. Those will continue for the next 6 weeks. If all goes well and according to plan she will be ready to come home just short of Christmas. Brianna is tired but ready to start the treatments and just get back home.

Clearly all of your prayers are being felt here in Memphis and we ask that you continue to pray for Brianna as she starts her chemotherapy treatments next week.

Love to all,

Matt, Jennifer and Brianna

Day 2 - Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Brianna had a rough night last night unable to sleep and was starving (knowing she would not be able to eat because of the MRI) We were up most of the night and needed to begin our day around 7AM. She made it through the 2 hour MRI under general anesthesia and was fine. Matt and I met with the oncologist, radiologists, and child life specialists who are all working on putting together a treatment plan. We are still awaiting final word as to whether or not she will be part of the experimental trial, but it looks like it should be a go. Radiation and chemo will begin Monday. Brianna is ridiculously bored and wants nothing to do with any of this....just get it done! Tired of meetings, questions, moving from one appointment to the next!! The medication makes her very irritable to begin with, so add the stress of sitting around all day and waiting makes things worse. The medication also makes her extremely hungry in addition to leaving her feeling very fatigued. We have many more appointments and tests to go through tomorrow. Friday she may have a port put in her chest which will make it easier for numerous tests and IV's to be administered without her having to deal with needles. we are looking forward to starting treatment, getting into a routine, and feeling up to resuming some activities to relieve our boredom. Thanks again for all of your support! We appreciate all of your words of encouragement and inspiration which helps us face each new obstacle.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day 1 - Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Well, actually this was Day 1 for Brianna and her mom since they arrived late last night. We were up bright and early this morning and had a long day with a series of appointments with different specialists here at St. Jude. Brianna was quite bored through most of it and was a little tired at the end of the night but her appetite didn't suffer one bit!

Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be a critical day. She will undergo a two hour MRI where she will be given a general sedation. Once she is out of the sedation recovery then we will meet with the radiation therapy folks to learn more about the treatments she will be receiving.

Brianna is a trooper and has told her mother and I that she "just wants to get this thing going and do what needs to be done and go home". She is one of the bravest kids I know. We are proud to have her as our daughter and her resiliency and courage is showing every minute while she is here.

More to come tomorrow.... Thanks to all for checking in and keep Brianna in your prayers.


Brianna's Parents