Friday, February 13, 2009

Hope Bear!! Friday, February 13

I had a terrible day at school last Friday after we got back from St. Jude. I felt dizzy, I tripped and hit my arm and my head during the last class of the day. It seemed like everybody was laughing at me! I wanted to drop out of school! It was the worst day of my life! The only really good thing was Gizmo. He relaxes and lays his head on my shoulder and it helps me feel better.
After last weekend I felt better and I was ready to go back to school on Monday.
I made a new promise this week. I am going to pray the rosary every night before bedtime with Mom and Kaitlyn. No matter what is going on or if we don't have time or we are tired, Kaitlyn and Mom and I are going to pray the rosary. When my stepdad and Eric and Haley feel like joining us they can too! I am still reading my books about saints and I pray on my own before bed too.
Love, Bree

Note from Parents:
Since our return from St. Jude we have had our share of ups and downs. Brianna was inconsolable after her day at school last Friday. She just seems to be overly sensitive to anything/everything that happens around her. The teacher assured me that there were boys acting a little goofy in the back of the classroom to try to distract the others and get the attention off of Brianna. No matter what I tried to do to reason with her she insisted it was the worst day of her life and she was ready to drop out. Gizmo definitley proves good therapy as all it takes is for him to lay with Brianna and he knows to just relax and lay his head on her shoulder. Brianna repeated numerous times how much she loved Gizmo.Well, by Monday, she was back to normal being her perky, laughing, goofy, self telling us long, random stories only this time she did have points she wanted to make. This school week went pretty well and she is going (with a big push from me) to attend the Gregory GIG (school dance) with sister Haley, BF Maddy, and her other close friends. I told her the more fun you put into the more fun you'll have. I am sending Brianna and Haley with cameras so it should be interesting what they come back with.I must add a note that I appreciate all of your kinds words of encouragment and continued prayers as I have been struggling over the past several days and needed to return home from work to try to regain positive state of mind and refocus on my faith to carry me through these difficult times. I wish I could plan my meltdowns on weekends when we do not have the kids....but obviously this is not something that can be planned. However, in the midst I found great support from people at work who comforted me and allowed me an opportunity to share my thoughts, feelings, and hope for what the future will hold.I also recieve plenty of support from family and friends at home, especially my husband Bob and my sister-in-law/spiritual advisor Georgia who are both very strong support and immediately change my focus. I will be reliving all events in a positive way as Kaitlyn has decided to enter the Young Author's Contest to write a book about Brianna, her story and wonderful St. Jude! I think this will be great therapy for Kaitlyn! I am looking forward to seeing what she has planned! Brianna, Kaitlyn and I have taken on a new committment which is long overdue!! She is an abslute wonder to me and amazes me with her deep faith!!I had reflected back to when Brianna was a baby and toddler and remebered that the one item she grew attached to (as every child has something whenther it's a "woobie," "blankie," "paciy," "dolly," or "teddy," Brianna's special item was a praying bear named "Hope Bear." I thought how interesting it is that from the time she was a baby she has been clinging to 'HOPE' and it made my heart fill with joy because it is so symbolic and meaningful for her to have always had 'HOPE.'Please pray for Max, our little buddy who we wish we could play with soon! Pray that they have a safe trip for their Make-A-Wish vacation. Also, please pray for Liam and Kole as they continue to fight DIPG. Pray for Brianna and all the DIPG children that thier tumors may remain stable or continue to shrink and make progres towards finding complete healing. We believe in miracles and we believe in the strength and courage of the these children. May God's mercy shine on them and the power of His healing lead them to experience the true power and mercy of our Lord!
God Bless Everyone!
Love, Brianna's family: Mom & Stepdad Jennifer and Bob Siemann, Eric, Haley, and Kaitlyn

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