Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Can't Thank People Enough - May 19

Brianna is too tired to post on the blog today, so her dad Matt is going to bring you up to date.

Notes from Matt:

It's been a while since I have posted an update and Jennifer has done a great job keeping everyone informed of what Brianna is up to. This morning she was at Edward Hospital ER because she had a fall and hit her head and was experiencing alot of pain early this morning. I am happy to report that Brianna was discharged this morning after having a CT scan of the head and spine done and nothing alarming was seen by the doctor or the radiologist. Just the same we will be taking the scans with us to Children's Memorial when we go next for those folks to look at the scans as well. I couldn't agree more with Jen that parents need to take the reins sometimes in these situations because it is the parents that know the child best.

This past weekend was a nice one as we had dinner on Friday with her Grandma Pat and Aunt Kate and Great Grandma Cochran at Boston Blackies. It was nice for her to be able to visit with her Great Grandma as she lives downstate and doesn't get to visit as often.

Saturday was a pretty relaxing day for her as she just doodled and colored with her youngest sister Gianna. She went home Saturday night back to Jen's to go support some runners that were going to run in her honor but she didn't feel well enough to go.

Sunday afternoon there was the final blue hair extension fundraiser in Algonquin. It was a great succcess as Uncle John and Aunt Ania organized with others in the Algonquin community! Special thanks to Susie McDonnell for opening up her heart and home to make it all possible and Jane Morales and Mary Vogt for all of their support and help. Also Andi Butler for posting announcements on the Eastview PTO site. Denec Cardelli and Beckey Metzger donated some items to be raffled off. And like to thank the "People of Algonquin"... its truly been amazing to see the love and support of all different communities come together to support our daughter and the fight that she battles every day.

There have been countless people that have been supporting and giving their love and prayers each and every day. We can't thank you enough.

Just as a reminder to those that live near a Jewel Food Store and might be doing some shopping for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday... don't forget to go to the website to download the form for the Jewel Shop n Share fundraiser for Brianna. That will be happening today and tomorrow so go to the website and download the form and Happy Shopping!
Also check out the Relay for Life fundraiser for the American Cancer Society where Brianna's Brigade will be participating! (Again see the website for that link ) Join in and participate by either running or walking with us and/or donating (and no you don't have run the entire evening!! ha ha)

Brianna has some busy days over the next couple days so Jennifer will be doing the next update after she is done with her activites on those days.

Thanks to all for your support and checking in on Brianna!

Matt, Jennifer, Brianna and the rest of the "gang"

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