Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Monday - November 17

Today started out great and then we skipped one appointment and did the other two. I got to eat lunch with Kole. He's my new little buddy! One of the people here cooks special food for us and I got to try a chicken nugget. I was afraid it would be really yuck because it is supposed to be healthy but it was really good! It's a good thing cause Mom is finding out a lot about food and stuff like organic food. Some of it doesn't sound really good cause its different than what I usually eat but the chicken was so good the rest of it probably will be too!

Note from Parents:

Today started out great with things running ahead of schedule but appointments came to a screeching halt with one appointment (we decided to ditch) and moved on to the last two appointments. We ditched the height, weight, temperature and blood pressure check...We are sure they will track us down tomorrow. :-)
Brianna started babysitting this summer and though shy in front of adults, she loves little kids and Kole is a sweetheart. He is very shy but is starting to open up with us and it is great to see him smile!
Dinner tonight presented us with another blessing. We started talking with a woman who was preparing a wonderful meal and learned that she was cooking for her 8 year old niece and during the conversation we learned that her niece shares the same diagnosis as Brianna. However, her niece is on a different treatment protocol. We told her dinner looked great and she began discussing diet and nutrition. She is from New York and is a nutritionist and since we have been looking into changing Brianna's diet we were intrigued. Matt has been completing a lot of research on DIPG patients and looking at how to change habits to try to counter tumor growth. We already know we will be making huge changes and are very nervous. What do we buy? How/What do we cook? How do we know what is best? It is overwhelming to think about all that we have to look forward to...BUT we (and Kole's mom) are going to study and listen to the nutritionist and even take some cooking lessons (we hope!) She made a wonderful pasta dinner with "chicken" parmesan and vegetables, etc. All completely organic, meat and sugar free!! At first this sounded absolutely horrible and we were wondering how we could possibly pull this off, but if you saw the dinner she made you would be amazed. She even gave me a "chicken" nugget for Brianna...she tasted the nugget and it was a big hit!
We feel this was another blessing as we are making connections with people that know exactly what we are having to endure and we are all working together to fight DIPG any and every way we know how! We now have a nutritionist here at RMH to teach us how to shop, cook, etc. and we can give Brianna every advantage in her treatment and ability to heal!
Thank you for all of your support and please continue to pray for Brianna's continued progress and healing. We would also like to thank those of you who have sent books on the power of miracles, power of healing, and hope! We are gaining in strength everyday!! We believe we are finally finding some words to comfort Brianna even more than before. Thank you!

Bree's Parents

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