Friday, November 14, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Note from the parents:

Today our appointments ended before lunchtime and Brianna was able to come back to RMH and take a nap. Grandma Pat (Matt's mom) came to visit Brianna and they are going out to eat and maybe stop at a couple of stores. Tomorrow she will most likely enjoy swimming at the hotel and will have a couple more visitors come around lunchtime (Aunt Julie and Grandma & Grandpa Siemann) Then around dinner time Bob and Kaitlyn will be here. Wow! I am not sure how Brianna is going to handle so much activity!

She is very tired all day and night which is to be expected. With both chemo and radiation fatigue is the primary side effect. Last night she was able to sleep from 9-3 which is unusual because usually she is only able to get 2-3 hours at a time. Hopefully, as she continues to be weaned off of the steriods she can get back on a regular sleep schedule.

Today I was able to speak with Leanne Lacewell (Max's mom) Max is the 5 year old boy I mentioned in previous updates. They are from Naperville and live less than 2 miles from our home. They are undergoing treatment at Children's Memorial in Chicago. We are anxious to be able to return home to meet Max and the rest of the Lacewell family. Please include Max and his family in your prayers. He has a website similar to this, but you must go to and visit maxlacewell.

I was interviewed by the Naperville Sun today about Brianna and all that she is going through along with the impact on our family. I also mentioned Max so the Lacewell family will share their story as well. I believe the story about Brianna and Max will appear sometime next week. The Siemann/Sharp families will be combining their efforts with the Lacewell family in order to help both Brianna and Max. We know the Naperville community can be counted on to deliver an amazing amount of support and resources.

Please continue to keep Brianna AND Max in your thoughts and prayers. We greatly appreciate all the kind words and your continued prayers.

Bree's Parents

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, i went to gregory middle school also! I also know max lacewell and his family. It's a small world:] My thoughts and prayers are with you. Just hang in there and stay strong