Thursday, April 16, 2009

Another Great Weekend - April 5

Hi everybody,
This weekend Dad picked me up early on Friday so I could go over to my Aunt Jacke and Uncle Dave's house to spend time with them and my cousins Lauren and JJ! When he came back to get me I was in a really good mood cause we had a great time! Then we went to downtown to se Grandma and Grandpa Sharp and Aunt Faith at the John G. Shedd Aquarium. I loved every minute of it! We saw lots of exhibits! After that we went to Grandma and Grandpa's hotel and Kaitlyn and Gianna and me painted Aunt Faith's hair with hair mascara! It's supposed to wash out but Dad told me that Grandpa called him later and said Aunt Faith washed her hair but it didn't come out. Sorry Aunt Faith!!! We all went to eat at South Water Kitchen right next to the hotel and they fixed some organic food that I can have and I had a really good time. It was a great day and we'll remember it for a long time for sure! Today is Sunday and we got to color Easter eggs. We're going to Grandma and Grandpa Spinello's for a late birthday party cause me and Kaitlyn and Madison all had birthdays so we get to celebrate together! I felt good all weekend and that is great.

Note from Parent (Dad Matt):

Before I get into this weekend I do want to extend a big thank you to Seana Somolik,and everyone that came out to Palace Billards on a night that was predicted to get alot of snow but it didn't come until the next day! We raised a little over $3000 for The Brianna Sharp Medical Fund and everyone had a great time. Also a big thank you to Bill (owner of Palace Billards) and Detroit Danny who played some great music while everyone had a great time! Thanks to all for making it a success despite the weather.

This is good especially since we are heading into this week at St. Jude for follow up appointments including a 2 hour MRI Thursday morning! Please keep Brianna in your thoughts on Thursday and we are praying for good news.

Just a reminder that this week ( Monday thru Wednesday) is Jewel Shop n Share and the Shop n Share forms are posted on the GET INVOLVED part of the website. 5% of all sales where people present the Shop N Share coupon at checkout will go to The Brianna Sharp Medical Fund.

Thanks to all for your birthday emails to Brianna! She went through them last night and recieved alot! And yes Aunt Michele that e-card was cute... she even saved to keep looking at over and over LOL

Please keep all the DIPG kids in your prayers, including Max, Kole, Caleb, Andrew, Alexis and all the other kids facing this battle on a daily basis. They need your thoughts and prayers every day.

Thanks for checking in and have a great day!
Matt (Brianna's Dad)

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