Thursday, July 9, 2009

ER Visit - June 14

Early this morning Brianna woke up with a severe headache, nausea and difficulty breathing (possibly due to the cough she developed over past few days, but you never know for sure!) The ER doctor at Edward Hospital in Naperville decided to contact Children's Memorial to determine what they would like to do. It was decided that she would be transported to Children's Memorial via ambulance as they could best take care of her and evaluate further. Matt drove directly to Children's in order to meet Brianna there as I went back home to get a few things in case she was admitted overnight. I asked her what she wanted me to do and she preferred that I get her notebooks, pens and ipod. I was a little concerned though because with the short term memory loss I wondered if she would get confused or panic in the ambulance if I wasn't there. I informed the paramedics to remind her about the situation if she questioned what was happening.
Dr. Goldman (Children's) reviewed her MRI and chest X-ray and had a neurosurgeon consult to review records to determine if she needed any procedures performed (shunt? / ventriculostomy?) The MRI shows a fairly stable brainstem tumor (they will verify tomorrow), but the nodules on the ventricles have definitely increased in size and there appears to be some fluid putting pressure on the ventricles. The neurosurgeon decided there is no need for a procedure at this point, but the team of doctors and surgeons will meet to discuss her case and evalute further tomorrow. I will be spending the night with Brianna at Children's. We hope to be discharged tomorrow afternoon so she can make it to radiation later in the day. Dr. Goldman said finishing radiation is the priority at this point so we need to do what we can to get her through this last week of treatment.
She is needing more pain medication, but they have not recommended increasing the steroid least not yet! We will keep you posted as to what the doctors recommend.

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