Thursday, July 23, 2009


From my Family:

Brianna's condition has changed. We will do our best to keep you informed, but know that we are comforting her best we can at this time. Nurse Jane arrived and we are talking and sitting with her. She is very hot and is vomiting. Her breathing changed last night and this morning she is non-responsive. She is fighting a good fight, but we don't know how much longer. She seems determined to "Finish Strong", living by her cross country motto.
Please pray for her to be comfortable and pain free, and that she may feel God's loving arms around her!
Love, Jen & Bob (Eric, Haley, & Kaitlyn), Matt & Maria (Zachary, Madison, & Gianna)


Unknown said...

You don't know us, but we have prayed for Brianna since we first read about her in the SUN last fall. I don't think a day has passed that we haven't sent prayers for her and your family. Those prayers are especially strong and frequent now.

Molly said...

My family heard about Brianna earlier this year and we've been following her blog daily. We will continue to send our prayers your way. Your strength and love of the lord is an inspiration to all.

Unknown said...

Its nice to you and Matt and the extended families mentioned. I know that Brianna had lots of brothers and sisters. They will appreciate being a part of Brianna's website when they get older.