Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Whatever" & "Amen" - July 21

From my mom Jennifer:
Today we had a visit from Aunt Georgia, Grandma Siemann, and Aunt Amy (who brought a wonderful Whole Foods lunch over)and cousins Kayla and Colleen. Brianna was barely awake almost the entire time and we understood very few words, but we were able to get her request for Macaroni and Cheese, and nurses Jane and Robin got a "Whatever!" The only other word we understood was "Amen" as she received communion.
I called nurse Jane this morning as we realized the line to her morphine pump was split in half. I think the bedrail cut the line when we put it up or down. I noticed blood coming back down her two lines. The nurses had to get her hooked back up and checked her vitals. Her blood pressure was down 96/60 and her heart rate was up. Her respirations are about 6-8 per minute. Yesterday her respirations were 16-18 and pretty regular, but today she seems to be back to taking 3 breaths, nothing for awhile, then 3 more breaths.
I found several pieces of Brianna's preschool and elementary school work. It is so interesting that kids she went to school with saw her the same way we do. We told everyone that Brianna is the one who wanted to tell stories to try to make you laugh, but she just wasn't good at it. It wasn't until diagnosis when she developed a quick wit and was good at throwing zingers.
Here is a quote from her 4th grade caring book. Every student in the class had to write a note to each and every other student in order to make keepsae booklet. One student wrote, "Brianna is a nice person. Sometimes she makes me laugh but doesn't. She is also a great team player." Lots of other notes about her creative/artistic abilities, how she is so nice and treats everyone with respect, and never wanting to leave anyone out or to get hurt feelings.
It is wonderful to have found all of her old school work. Kaitlyn and I had a great time sharing and searching for Brianna's art projects, journals, and notes.
We had a good day today and Brianna is resting comfortably. She has not shown she is in any pain and looks quite peaceful most of the time. It seems we have the pain under control and she ate more today that she did yesterday.
Brianna's dad Matt will likely visit again tonight at 8 pm. Kaitlyn is sleeping over at her cousins house. We are hoping and praying for an uneventful night! I will end with the prayer we've said ever since she could kneel at her bedside. I asked her not too long ago if she is praying before bed and she said yes. I tested her to see if she remembered our prayer and she said I still say that every night too!
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
His angels guard me through the night
and wake me with the morning light.Amen

From Brianna's mom Jennifer and all her loving family

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